Gamification is introducing game elements into the educational process. Gamification has long been successfully used to teach children in primary and secondary schools, but today the game format receives a second birth in the new educational space – business education for adults.

According to experts, gamification supported by the latest technology in the next 10 years will be the main global trend in adult education. Examples of this already exists in abundance: from online courses in a foreign language, presented in the form of games, tests and quests with ratings, to the use of game simulations and virtual reality glasses for teaching pilots and others.

Filling the education market with courses and lessons in game format has several reasons at once. Firstly, a game is a fascinating process that can interest people of all ages and intelligence levels. Modern research confirms the fact that in the training of children and adults, information is absorbed better if used in the process of game and competitive elements.

Secondly, the game format in today’s reality surrounds us everywhere. Marketing and entertainment spheres have long and successfully used game technologies, creating a new information environment. In 15-20 years the market of professions will have a generation of new employees – generation “Z”, who grew up in this environment. Gamification is the language they understand and perceive most easily. Proof of this is the constant growth of financial investment in the video game market and the increased demand for game content on the market.

Young people already perceive and process information differently. If you present them with knowledge in a dry way by giving them, for example, a simple technical textbook without pictures, it will be difficult for them to assimilate the information in it. The old system is no longer able, given the presence of new and more exciting competitors, to generate the same excitement for learning in people.

Gamification today is an effective tool for learning. Game mechanics integrated into the lesson improve motivation and engagement levels. Game practices make it easier to absorb complex information, promote better memorization of material, develop teamwork skills, and teach how to immediately put new knowledge into practice. Games are much faster and easier for students to develop skills, especially “soft skills”: teamwork, communication, openness, creativity.

But do not confuse gamification with a regular game. The first one is aimed primarily at achieving the result, its goals are specific and the results are measurable. Game format in learning is only a means to achieve the goal in the most effective way. With the help of game technologies it is possible to achieve high productivity of training programs and work. Game elements can interest adults and busy people whose psyche resists new knowledge due to fatigue and life difficulties. A game brings pleasure to the learning process and weakens internal systems of resistance and aversion to new things. That’s why gamification is so effective.