Every year more and more companies are planning to implement algorithms of individual educational tracks for training and professional development of their employees.

The essence of the individual track system is that for each student a unique training program (track) is created, consisting of courses and subjects, for which the student has an interest and talent. This approach makes education personalized, allows you to try and “look for yourself” in several fields (often opposite), and develop several talents simultaneously. The freedom of choice given to students forms a conscious attitude and personal responsibility, the ability to navigate a large flow of information, to analyze and adapt to change.

Not only the set of subjects can be personalized, but also the order and pace of learning, the system of motivation and teaching tools.

Why personalize learning? One-size-fits-all learning mechanics are not always universal – not every student develops effectively under rigid methods. While for one, an effective method is “getting out of their comfort zone,” another achieves the best results with a “positive reinforcement” system. Some need more time to consolidate what they have learned, while others are ready to graduate with an externship in just a few years.

Turning from theory to practice, the personalized education track is a system of checkpoints and taps. Before training begins, employees take an entrance test (checkpoint). Based on the test results, students are separated into different learning tracks. Each training is followed by a new control point. In this way, each new test can change the learning trajectory depending on what changes have occurred to the learner in a particular section of the trajectory.

The goal of tracking training in a business environment is to reduce costs, maximize each employee’s potential and improve their performance, which will ultimately lead to improved economic performance of the firm. Job seekers also like this system because it presents ample opportunities for personal development, career advancement and relocation. It is possible to get a job as a simple accountant and become the head of the marketing department within the same company, if the employer is able to see and discover your potential.